Foundational Thoughts and Purpose

1 Chron 4:10

Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE(r),
(c) Copyright 1977 by The Lockman Foundation
Used by permission.  (

A Hamilton - If it be Asked

Welcome! Let’s talk about Foundations.

We look on the outside of a building. The outward appearance of a company, or perhaps a family, or marriage, or individual. All seems well.

Is it? What lies inside or underneath?

Is there an adequate foundation that can handle the weight of what we’re trying to build? The moral foundation to support the person we want to become? An adequate organizational foundation to build your business upon?

Everything might look fine during peaceful times. What about when the storms come? And they will come. They have come!

How’s it looking for the United States of America right now?


I know there’s room for improvement in my life. How about you?

Since we can’t tear everything down and start all over, how do we strengthen what we have?

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Let’s build strong, lasting foundations we can depend on in the midst of a rapidly shifting world.

Regards, Bill