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Social Pic Dec 2017

Something Holding You Back?

Let’s talk about it.

Earlier in “I HATE Constraints,” we thought through examples where a constraint or something “holding us back” could be a benefit in disguise. Like the tail on a kite. It’s not meant to hold the kite down, but to provide the best angle of attack. It allows the kite to soar safely in the wind. Are you soaring? So, sometimes we’re held back – at least for a while – for a positive purpose.

The Foundational Principle was that we don’t have the “higher perspective” to see how everything fits together, or the wisdom to know how it will all play out. So, do the best you can with the best attitude possible. Be kind and patient. Focus on helping others while you wait.

Now, let’s ask whether there are “negative” things that can hold us back.

Of course.


"Gotta Minute?" Videos

Unusual events bring together an unlikely team, who risk everything to hold off the ultimate prophesied evil as long as possible…

The days are dark, and time is running out.

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